Sundays at 9:30 am, 10:45 am & 5:00 pm  |  Wednesdays at 1:00 pm for prayer meeting

1407 E. Reed Rd. | Greenville, Mississippi 38703

We Value








Cornerstone Baptist Church is a place where the Bible is preached and taught without compromise and with utmost integrity. We believe that people should give evidence of the priority of God's will as revealed in Scripture through obedience, lifestyle accountability, personal financial responsibility, generous tithing and giving, and a strong Christian self-image. (2 Tim. 3:15-17, 4:1-5; Jn. 13:34-35, 14:12, 15, 23; Ex. 20:2-17; 1 Cor. 6:18; Eph. 5:18; Phil. 4:8-9; 1 Tim. 1:22-25; Prov. 13:11, 17:16; Mat. 6:24, 25:14-30; Lk. 16:10; Lev. 27:30-31; Num. 18:26; Mal. 3:10; 2 Cor. 9:11-13; Ps. 112:5).

Cornerstone Baptist Church is a place where Christians freely, joyfully, faithfully, and fearlessly lift their hearts to God in praise worshiping God with all their being. We believe God's love and mercy towards us demands our best. We are committed to styles of worship that offer people of our culture the best opportunity to express their love to God in ways that are personal, meaningful, and relevant. While tradition is never discarded lightly, we encourage creativity, innovation, flexibility, and adaptability. We are more concerned with people experiencing God than with adherence to tradition. (Ps. 29:2, 33:2, 81:1-2, 95:6,98:4-6, 100:2, 149:3-4, 150:3-6; Mat. 22:38).

Cornerstone Baptist Church is a place where Christians intentionally commit their time, energy, and resources to preparing for ministry, evangelizing the lost, and training to become disciple-making leaders serving in the local church or on the mission field. We are committed to offering a Christian educational curriculum, mentoring opportunities, and biblical guidance that meets the diverse needs of our people helping them to discover and experience God, grow in their faith, serve in a place of ministry, and develop life skills for success in marriage, family, and the marketplace. (Ps. 1:1-2; Prov. 12:15; Mal. 3:10; 1 Cor. 11:1; Phil. 3:17; 1 Tim. 4:12; 2 Tim. 2:15; Tit. 2:7; 2 Pt. 3:18; Js. 1:4).

Cornerstone Point Baptist Church is a place where Christians, without prejudice, intentionally commit their time, energy, and resources to ministering to the physical, material, and spiritual needs of hurting people. We believe that all people matter to God and are loved by Him. The Bible declares God's special interest in those who are poor, hurting, and disenfranchised, so we will treat all people with love, fairness, forgiveness, dignity, respect, and honor because they were created by God for His special purpose. (Lev. 19:10; Dt. 15:7, 11, 24:14; Ps. 82:3-4; Is. 10:1-2; Jer. 1:5, 29:11; Mat. 22:37:39; Lk. 4:18-19, 10:33-35; Eph. 4:32; 1 Pt. 3:8-9).

Cornerstone Baptist Church is a house of prayer where all people feel accepted. We believe that God wants His people to pray and that He hears and answers prayer. We believe that abiding faith in God, meaningful human relationships, and Christian growth cannot be sustained without prayer because Jesus Christ is the author and perfecter of our faith. For this reason, the worship, ministries, and activities of our church will always be characterized by a strong reliance on prayer in their conception, planning, and implementation. (Mat. 7:7-11; Lk. 19:46; Heb. 12:2-3; Js. 5:13-18).

Cornerstone Baptist Church is a place where family and community relationships are encouraged, strengthened, and restored by the miracle work of God through His people. We believe Christians should joyfully and actively participate in the fellowship of the saints and testify publicly to the impact God has intheir lives. We will pursue relationships with people who have no Christian testimony based on friendship and trust so that eventually we may be able to share the gospel of Christ with them. (Mk. 5:19; Heb. 10:25, 12:2-3; 2 Cor. 5:11, 14-20; 1 Pt. 3:15).

Cornerstone Baptist Church actively participates in local, state, and foreign mission efforts by giving generously to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention, State Missions, and Associational Missions; by praying for missionaries and training missionaries to be sent into the mission field, and by planting new churches. We believe the biblical portrait of Pastors and teachers is that of servant leaders who have the primary responsibility to prepare God's people for works of service. For this reason, as our Pastor and teachers instruct by word and by example, the ministry of our church will be placed as much as possible in the hands of the entire membership. Our goal is for every member to become a leader through education, training opportunities, and practices that encourage lay initiation, creativity and innovation, leadership, responsibility, and authority in the various ministries of our church. (Mat. 28:18-20; Jn. 14:12-17; Eph. 4:12).

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