Sundays at 9:30 am, 10:45 am & 5:00 pm  |  Wednesdays at 1:00 pm for prayer meeting

1407 E. Reed Rd. | Greenville, Mississippi 38703


From the Old Testament to the New Testament, people prayed to God for answers, needs, changes, comfort, favor, and salvation. People prayed to God expressing worship, awe, and thanksgiving. We believe that God desires for people to seek him with their whole hearts through prayer. Moreover, we know with assurance that God wants to give us the good blessings He has planned (2 Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 33:2-3; Matthew 7:7-11). Here at Cornerstone, we continue the great biblical tradition of prayer expecting to experience God's great benevolence and blessing. If you would like us to join you in praying for your needs and requests, please contact us.

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Each Wednesday, at 1:00 pm, we join together in a special time of concentrated prayer for needs and requests that have been submitted. You will find opportunities to pray individually, in groups, and corporately.

Each second Wednesday of the month, we hold Movie Matinee. We begin at 12:00 noon with covered dish meal followed by prayer time. At 1:00 pm, we enjoy a Christian movie.

On the first Sunday of each month, at 7:30 am, men gather in the Fellowship Hall for a full breakfast followed by a time of concentrated prayer for needs and requests among themselves, the church and the community. The men break by 8:30 am to allow those who choose to go home, get ready and return for Sunday School and morning worship.

Men's Prayer Breakfast

Leader Prayer

One of the primary ways our staff ministers and deacons serve the church is prayer. They are available to pray with you for needs and requests.

Polly Spivey

Prayer Ministry Coordinator

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